The Blog Is Dead, Long Live The Blog

Dear followers and occasional readers of this blog,

yes, ’tis me, in – well, not the flesh per se, but in my full internet form, back after two years of not having posted anything At. All.

Anyone who enjoyed reading this blog (if you even remember anything, because let’s be real, it’s been two years), might be interested to know that, while I’m not picking up Down The Rocky Road again, I have started a new project called Antarctichokes. On there, I will discuss the things closest to my heart – books and bookshops, travel, Ernest Shackleton and other stubborn Polar Explorers that have captured my heart, hazelnut-flavoured Polish vodka, Harry Potter, musical theatre, and more books. It’s exciting and new, and I hope you’ll love it as much as I do!

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A lot has changed for me in the last couple of years, and having recently moved to Krakow, Poland, for a semester abroad, I decided it was time to start something new.


I have loved running this blog, but I feel like I have genuinely outgrown it. It’ll remain online, of course, in case you ever need a recipe for Churros that includes palm-sized, 3rd-degree burns on your forearm. But other than that, this is good-bye, and, as I hope, hello on a new page!


SHADOWHUNTERS: a rant/loveletter



It has been out in the open for over a year now, so I think it’s about time I spill my emotions: SHADOWHUNTERS. It’s a thing. Oh my, it’s a thing!

I have loved the Mortal Instruments series from day 1 – I can think of at least five people who had to read the books because of me. Literally, it was the only thing I talked about for months. It was Jace-this, Jace-that, and don’t you think Jace and Clary are purrfect for each other! And even when the series became annoying (I threw book six against the wall at some point, and yes, that did happen), and repetitive, and angsty, I stuck with it. Because even when those books are bad, they’re still pretty good. Like Belgian waffles with chocolate ice cream and smarties sprinkled on top. Pretty much the same goes for the latest movie adaption on Netflix: It’s a terrible Belgian waffle, but it’s still a Belgian waffle!


There are so many things disturbingly wrong with this series, I can’t even– I’m okay. *takes deep breath* Oookaay.

The first thing I will never understand is why producers don’t just stick to the original story. IT’S A GOOD STORY! See, I thought series one would equal book one, and so on, but boy, was I mistaken! Series one equals the first page of book one, the third chapter of book two, the end of book five, and the middle of book four. And in that order, too! ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME HATE YOU?!


And also: WHY DOES SIMON NOT GET TURNED INTO A STUPID RAT?! I loved that scene in the book, but neither the original movie nor the series has him turned into an animal. But sure, the flying motorcycle they take!


Then there is Magnus Bane: Everyone – he’s throwing a party for his cat. That’s how he’s introduced. He doesn’t care about the stupid Mortal Cup, he’s not running from Valentine, HE’S PARTYING!

And since we’re right on topic: What the hell, Alec? Leaving a girl at the altar, that’s just too predictable. We all get his sense of duty, but come on! And what’s with the everlasting hate for Clary? Just give it a rest already.

Also, why is Luke not the owner of a bookshop?

And where is Sebastian in this weird mixed up world?

And why the *insert apropriate swear word* does Jocelyn die? Why was she back so soon? It wasn’t supposed to be easy waking her up after she took that potion. That was kind of the point, no?

Finally, where is the Jace I imagined? I’ve always pictured him to be something between Alex Pettyfer and Matt Czuchry with just a touch of Fra Fee; a very sweet looking, yet tough guy, who is hilariously sarcastic and self-indulged. Instead we were given someone who looks and acts like the member of a gang whose entire point of existence is beating the life out of anyone coming their way.


Oh, and wait – a round of applause for the excellent quick wit of Clarissa Fray. Red haired, pale, freckled Clary asks a black Luke whether he is her real father. Maybe Magnus took a thought too many from her brain when treating her. #justsaying


But all of this is nothing compared to the emotional damage you carry away once you start LOVING THE SHOW! It’s by far better than the original motion picture, and I think this has largely to do with the choice of actors. They are more than perfect in their roles, even Dominic Sherwood has grown on me, and I mean, just look at the Lightwoods.


Look at them.

I never thought Alexander Lightwood’s beauty would one day cause my heart to break. DON’T WE ALL UNDERSTAND MAGNUS NOW? And on that note, HOW IS JACE NOT TURNING GAY? #listofthingsicantwrapmyheadaround


 And while I find it irritating that the plot doesn’t follow the original story line, it does add a certain suspense to the series. Things happen very unexpectedly, and I hate to admit it, but I want to know what happens next! Although, to be honest, most of the time it’s really the relationship between Magnus and Alec that has me keep watching. Have I mentioned that Matthew Daddario has the FACE OF AN ANGEL? It’s too beautiful for words!


To sum it up: SHADOWHUNTERS is not a good show on so many levels, but it’s one that you’ll ultimately come to love. It takes you right back into the world of Nephilim and vampires and warlocks, and you’ll fall for Jace and Clary all over again. I mean, yes, there is that annoying background music that tries to draw out suspense CONSTANTLY, and the dialogues are… well, they are what they are. But then Magnus calls Clary „Biscuit“, and people kiss in every episode, and THIS SHOW MAKES THE WORLD STOP TURNING!

This show will destroy you.

You’ll love it.

My New Year’s Revolution

This is a poem I wrote some time ago. It’s still a bit rough around the edges but I decided I’d share it anyway.

Everyone is talking of resolutions, but I think
Next year I am going to have a revolution.
I don’t plan to overthrow the government
Or to demonstrate in discontent.
And I won’t consider what it meant
That Trump became a president.
Instead I am going to revolutionise my own heart
And bring myself a fresh new start.

Because instead of resolutions
I will have a revolution.

I will read all the books I bought
So long ago somewhere abroad.
Finally I’ll fight alongside Enjolras,
and Marius and Jean Valjean.
I’ll have a Russian winter with a doctor called Shivago
And I’ll hang with Harry Potter (like I did ten years ago).
I will read only what delights me
I will find joy in the pages that find me.

Because instead of resolutions
I will have a revolution.

I will work, I will give it all I’ve got
I will give my best and take a shot.
But I will not give more than that
This time I will not drive myself so mad.
Just this once, for one year only
I will be ME so wholly.
Just this once, I will lean back.
Just this once, I’ve got my back.

Because instead of resolutions
I will have a revolution.

My own greatest oppressor am I myself.
The dictator of me could be no one else.
But I want to overthrow this government
And demonstrate in discontent.
And I will not be afraid
Of life and love and the things I said.
I will do what makes me smile
I will leave what has made me cry.
I am going to revolutionise my own heart
And bring myself a fresh new start.

Because instead of resolutions
I will have a revolution.




How To Make Churros (Step By Step)

Aren’t they a wonderful treat? Churros with hot chocolate sauce on a rainy sunday afternoon! I was first introduced to this deep fried delicacy by a Mexican I met in Nice a couple of years ago, and visiting Spain is always a bit like finding heaven on earth. So when Inga suggested I join her cooking class at Pamplona University on friday night, I was all game – after all, Churros were on the menu! It was an exciting event, to put it mildly, and I decided to share the experience of Churro-making on here, in way of a step-by-step tutorial.


You will need:
500 ml water
1 pinch of salt
250 g flour
2 rolls bandages
cooling cream
1 chocolate chip cookie
500 g dark chocolate
frozen churros

– 2 – Boil the water; add the salt and the flour.

– 3 – Now stir the mixture until it’s smooth; it won’t get smooth, but have someone yell at you in Spanish anyway. After all, nothing motivates like hearing «¡Más rápido! Más rápido!» on repeat!

– 4 – Pour the mixture into an icing bag. Press little sausage shaped dough into the preheated deep- fat fryer. Ask someone to cut them loose with a pair of scissors.

– 5 – Stand really close to the fryer until it explodes. Instantly cover your face with your bare arms. Note: if you do not have any bare skin showing, no one is going to believe that you lived through this first minor Churro assault!


– 6 – Rush to the sink and pour cold water over your burnt arms.

– 7 – Go back to the fryer to see what happened, then instantly relive that explosive moment from two minutes ago. Let it hit your eyebrows this time.


– 8 – Laugh hysterically at the situation because you’re in shock and can’t feel your arms.


– 9 – Let yourself be ushered out oft he kitchen into the nurse’s office. Have her put cream on your arms and wrap up your wounds and feed you a cookie and Ibuprofen.


– 10 – Let your friends defrost the ready-made churros from the supermarket and fry them. Let them also melt the chocolate.

– 11 – Eat more Churros than everybody else because you’re in pain and still a bit hysterical, and you scare people.


Side note #1: as exciting as all this is, maybe do go see a doctor. Or check your flat for medical supplies. Make Ibuprofen-cupcakes.

Side note #2: don’t follow this recipe.
ae3bcee8305036be2b54a93afaf4fa5dReally. Don’t.

All The Things You May Say To A Book Lover

Lately I have stumbled upon a number of posts on blogs that listed phrases you should never ever under any circumstances say to a book lover. I’d say I’m a pretty huge fan of books, and have been since I was a child. But every single one of those posts just annoyed me a great deal. It’s a snobby attitude to pretend that reading is a better hobby than, say, doing ballet or watching football. So, as a book lover, I decided to list all the things you may say to me (yes, even WHILE I’m reading!)…

 «But you have got so many books already!»
I knooow, right? And aren’t they pretty! Thank you so much for noticing!

 «Wow, you’ve read that book in a single day?»
Thank you, I appreciate the admiring tone!

 «I liked the movie better.»
That’s okay. Maybe it was a hell of a movie then!

 «I’m not going to read the book – I’ve already seen the movie!»
Seriously, the only time I will judge you for this is when it comes to Harry Potter. But, hey, sometimes we’re just not in the mood to like something!

 «You read a lot. What’s the name of the author who wrote that book about those things?»
Aw, I probably don’t know. But thank you for believing that I might!

«I’ve read this brilliant book…!»
Tell me more, tell me more!

«I hate to interrupt you while you’re reading, but…»
The last time I was told that, someone wanted to discuss dinner plans with me. Books are food for thought, but they’re not pasta.

«How many books do you have?»
I don’t know. But I don’t mind telling you about my shelves anyway (since you showed a spark of interest.)

«Wanna go to the bookstore?»
Yes please! Let’s talk about books, baby! Let’s talk about you and me…!

«I don’t have time to read.»
And I don’t have time for football or Grey’s Anatomy. We only make time for the things we actually enjoy, and why shouldn’t we?

«You must have been such a nerd in school!»
O.M.G. YES! But I once was thrown out of the library for inapropriate behaviour (= holding hands with a boy). So, you see, I was also a rebel.

«Haven’t you already read that book?»
And it was so amazing I’m reading it again! Maybe you would enjoy it, too?

«What’s that book about?»
Your mistake if you ask me that question, because I will now not shut up until I finish telling you the ENTIRE FRIGGIN’ PLOT!

I realise that every society has this group of people who think reading is rubbish. But same goes for every hobby. Not everyone can enjoy the same things, and some people find this harder to accept than others. But we readers like to believe that we’re super smart (which we TOTALLY are!), and shaming others for asking a silly question just isn’t a very smart thing to do. Really, there is only one sentence that every book lover will truly hate from the bottom of their hearts, and that is

«The sequel will be out in 2047!»


Wishing you all a wonderful autmn-y week and a happy Booktober!


Something Strange and Wonderful (Missing New Zealand)

I have said a couple of times before that in my mind, my life exists in two parts: before New Zealand and after New Zealand. Before I went to live in Auckland for a year when I was fifteen I felt out of place constantly, I felt uneasy about everything I liked, and said, and did, like it wasn’t cool enough or good enough; enough for whom, I don’t know. Maybe for myself, maybe for everyone around me. I was insecure down to the core.
New Zealand was a bit of a magical place for me. I met all those wonderful, strange people who took me in and made me understand that I had a place in this world, and that I had the right to fight for it. I came home transformed, and not only for the better. But I had got to a place where I felt safe. Happy even. And with that in you, you can master most anything.


With the arrival of autumn, I have caught myself going longingly through the memories, catching my breath at the sight of a particular leaf in the wind or listening to the same old song again. I miss New Zealand. I miss it now more than I did in those past couple of years. I miss the sound of the kettle in the kitchen, a sound so uniquely ist own. I miss the glow on the pavement after the rain. I miss that one coffee shop that sold giant hot chocolates and banana muffins that tasted like drops of heaven. Sometimes I find that I miss the scenery, the sea and the beaches and the forests and the mountains.
Most, I think, I miss myself. I miss this version of me that embraced change, whose heart bumped fast at the prospect of anything new. The me that trusted her fate blindly.

Everything has changed now, too. I’m in a new appartment. I have two flatmates. I don’t live with my mum any more. A year from now I’ll have my bachelor’s degree. I can feel the change creeping up on me. And I so desperately cling to the memory of a time when this would not have scared me.


I sometimes wish my kettle sounded just like the one Bill and Barbara had, and I sometimes wish the rain tasted like it did in Auckland on a gloomy monday morning, and I sometimes wish the coffee shops I visit sold the same cheap hot chocolate I was once so used to.

I’m in a good place. I have two wonderful and strange boys who keep me company, who compliment my baking, and who sometimes make me hot chocolate. And when I cycle to uni in the morning, the sun sometimes throws her golden light upon the roofs of the houses. And when I go shopping on a thursday night, there are musicians and jugglers and chestnut vendors lining the streets. And I am filled with a sense of home and belonging.
I just sometimes wish I had that former self of mine to accompany me.


Maybe it’s a question of bravery. Maybe it’s not really about who I am or where my life is headed, maybe these things are secondary. Maybe all I need is to be brave enough to believe that something strange and wonderful is about to happen.

My Crush on Sheldon Cooper

I am very sure I’m speaking for almost everybody when I say that I was pretty devastated about the final episode of How I Met Your Mother. I hated it so much I stopped watching TV shows altogether for a while (until Inga convinced me to watch Gilmore Girls, that is). It was only recently that I decided to give in and watch the rest of The Big Bang Theory – which I was certain was going to be a) boring, b) distasteful, and c) make me not want to be in a couple for the rest of my life.

But series 9 has proven to  be very much the opposite!


The main reason I started watching the show again was because I grew tired of the endless amount of spoilers over on Tumblr. I knew Leonard and Penny were going to get married, and Sheldon and Amy would have coitus, and it just sounded so cringeworthy. Instead, I may have developed a crush on Sheldon Cooper. He has evolved so much since the first series and has actually become likeable since he’s started to admit his feelings. While all the other characters have remained the way they were first introduced (geeky, awkward, self-conscious and a little sexist), Sheldon and Amy are really finding themselves. Amy does not change a thing in her appearance, she doesn’t buy short dresses or high heels, but she realises her own worth and finds that being confident makes her very attractive. And Sheldon, though still geeky and odd, recognises Amy as worth fighting for. More than that, they bring such an important element to the show that was not there before: trust.


While Leonard and Penny constantly go behind each others’ backs and Bernadette controls Howard’s every move, Sheldon and Amy are very straight forward and honest. In the scene where they actually, finally, have sex, Amy tells Sheldon that she’s nervous and doesn’t know what to expect, to which he replies, «Neither do I. But we can find out together.» The entire scene is so innocent and such a stark contrast to what we usually see with Penny and Leonard (which is known to be fast and, on a large scale, disappointing).

I have loved The Big Bang Theory for years, and I find it very hard to not like any of the characters, however annoying they might be. But rewatching some of the older episodes, I’ve only now realised how much my way of thinking has been influenced by characters like Penny or Bernadette who make it look okay to dress like a slut in order to get free drinks. I love that Amy now finally gets to show how sexy cardigans really are! So if you’re looking for something uplifting – series 9 is excelling on every level!


Lots of love from the roots of my heart!

Lipstick Haul

I bought lipstick.

That is noteworthy news because the last time I did that was two years ago in Honduras, and then I only did it because I had a crush on this one boy. This time it went a little bit differently and I decided to walk you through my lipstick-shopping experience!

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First, walk past a Superdrug store in Sheffield and remember that you’ve been meaning to buy a new lipstick (it’s been two years after all!)

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Check the time – Yup, you’ve got half an hour to spare!

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Be mildly shocked when, upon entering the store, you discover Zoella’s brand of beauty products. #thatsnotherquote

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Realise there’s A HELLUVA LOT of lipstick to choose from. Run to the aisle with the cheapest brands.

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Oh, you can buy three lipsticks for the price of two? That’ll save you six years of lipstick shopping! … **But you only really like the one colour.**

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Smear some on your hand; instantly regret it because a) you can’t really tell how this is going to look on your face, and b) it won’t come off.

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Finally go for the one that matches your glasses and has a funky name – Night Spot; everyone’ll love me! #wherethemboysat

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Go back to Zoella and get the cheapest product for Inga. And when I say cheap I really mean cheap-ish. Also, hope that Inga has either already received the gift or doesn’t read this blog post until she has.

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20160703_171643In search for a bathroom where you can apply your new baby (aka your freshly bought lipstick) you come across Waterstones.

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You’re already in a bathroom, why not have a pee before you’re off again? #justsaying

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Apply lipstick and take an awkward selfie. #amIreallypostingthis

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You look pretty and have saved some money by not going fort he 3for2 option – buy yourself a book as a reward! Actually, spend all your money on books. Books are awesome!

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Now take another awkward selfie and post it on Instagram. Pray people will not press Unfollow. #howcouldthey

Bildschirmfoto 2016-07-15 um 09.23.13And that, children, is how you buy lipstick!


Oh You Pretty Chitty Bang Bang

Last sunday I went to Sheffield to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang live on stage. It’s a show I’ve wanted to see ever since I went through a hardcore Dick van Dyke phase – hello! He’s the Harrison Ford of children’s movies! He’s not in the show, of course, but he starred in the 1968-movie, and that was reason enough for me to get into it.

The story is about the inventor Caractacus Potts and his two young children, Jeremy and Jemima, whose super-fast car, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (because that’s the sound it makes!), is the object of desire of Vulgaria’s Baron Bomburst. When the Baron kidnaps Granpa Potts the Potts family comes to his rescue, along with the beautiful Truly Srumptious – but arriving in Vulgaria they find out that the Baron and his wife detest children and that Jeremy and Jemima are in great danger of being abducted by the hideous Child Catcher.

'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang' Tour

I am really not a cars kind of person, but the story just had me. It’s bit like Grease for children. And I’ll admit the first time they started the car and it made this awful sound, my mind went straight into thinking, THAT’S AIR POLLUTION! SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT! But then how could I resist a car that only runs when you say «PLeeeeaaaase!»

Only how you convince a child after seeing the show that the Child Catcher is not real, I shall never know. He seemed pretty convincing to me, and whenever his track comes up on my iPod i press skip. Eergh, everytime I hear him go «Childreeeeen!» I physically shudder.

'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang' Tour

To say I enjoyed the show is a slight understatement. I absolutely loved it! It’s weird and loud and bright, and oh my, the costumes! Unlike the film, the show is set in a post-World-War-I era, so everything’s a bit more colourful and funky. What I was most impressed with, though, were the child actors. Lucy and Henry, who played the roles of Jemima and Jeremy Potts, were in every way a delight to look at! They played their parts so well and with so much heart. I simply cannot imagine the effort the producers of the show had to put into training these kids – how do you get them to stay concentrated, and how do you prevent them from forgetting their lines in stage fright? They have to act and sing and dance, sometimes everything at once, and yet they didn’t screw up once.

Everytime I watch a live musical I am freshly impressed by the actors. They’re all professionals, so as well I should be of course – but they never cease to amaze me. Lee Mead and Carrie Hope Fletcher make such a wonderful pair with their curly hair and quirkie costumes, and they make it incredibly hard to imagine any other actor taking over the role. Actually, Carrie Fletcher could just change her name to Truly Scrumptious and pull it off. You look at her and think, Hang on – she’s not the candy maker’s daughter?!


This show makes me consider getting my driver’s licence just so I’d be legally allowed to steer a flying car! If you have the chance to see the show, please go watch it! What a happy time you’ll spend! It’s beautifully done, it’s laugh-out-loud funny, and it’s romantic – it’s everthing I need in a stage production; blast it, it’s everything I need in life!

All the pictures featured in this post I downloaded from the musical’s website!

Something to do with Kindness

A few days ago I watched a video by Carrie Hope Fletcher in which she describes her experiences at stage door. Given the recent events I felt that it would be wrong not to talk about this.

Carrie is an actress and is currently performing in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. In the video she talks about all the abuse that she has been given when leaving the theatre through stage door – from people physically harming her to enthusiastic fans taking away her things –, and the abuse she has been sent via social media upon not appearing at stage door at all.

The situation we currently live in appears to be one where abuse is not such a horrendous word any more, because it has become an everyday phenomenon. It has not even been two weeks since a man walked into a gay night club in Orlando and shot fifty people dead. It’s been eight months since a hundred and thirty people were killed in Paris. Three months ago more than thirty people died in a terror attack in Brussels. Two weeks ago Christina Grimmie was shot by a madman with a gun. And this is just concentrating on incidents happening in the western hemisphere.

I realise that none of these things are linked in any direct way to what Carrie Fletcher is going through. But somehow I also don’t think that there is no connection at all. I doubt that any oft he people waiting for her outside the theatre were or are members of Islamic terrorist organisations. But what I do believe is that the people who join IS or Boko Haram or who go off hurting and killing others on their own accord, those people once waited outside theatres and concert halls to meet their idols too. Those are the same people who would try and kiss someone against their will, who shout angrily when things don’t go their way – those people once could not bear to be rejected.

I’m saying this because I know that members of terrorist groups are not all African or Turks, they are Swiss, German, French and Dutch. They are people who grew up in the same surroundings we did, but who did not feel accepted, who were hurt and did not belong anywhere. And if that’s how you feel all the time, then why not punish your idol for not turning up (when she did all the other nights for all those other people). If that’s how you feel, then why not pull her hair, just to feel it – what harm will it do to you? If you’re a homosexual moslem and were never allowed to feel what you really feel, why not take that anger out on those who live the life you could have had. Your life is hardly a life, so why not destroy theirs?

There is never a reason not to be civil.

Please let that sink in. Even the stinkiest little twit deserves to be treated as a person. Bullies are usually bullied by somebody else, and the only way to break the circle is by being civil. People who shut out others shut themselves in. People who make others feel weak don’t feel strong enough. We will make the world infinitely better if we open our hearts and allow for life to come in. If we just believe to be good enough. There is never a reason not to be civil.

I went to see Les Misérables in London last August. We had some time after the show, so we went outside to stand in line at stage door. Carrie didn’t come out, and that was fine. All I wanted to do was thank her for being an inspiration. I just wanted to tell her that sometimes it is her that makes me want to finish what I started. I didn’t really care about autographs or photographs, and when she didn’t come, Inga and I went out for a drink.

What I want to say is this: Sometimes things don’t go according to plan and sometimes we are disappointed and angry – but so long as we allow that energy to flow through us we are standing only one step away from where a young man with a gun is standing. So smile. Have a drink. Watch Tangled. Hug your mum. Believe that you are good enough.

There is never a reason not to be civil.

Lots of love from the roots of my heart!