«Snowy Linen Land»

Apparently, what people are most likely to do when it snows is not going outside to build a snowman, but post «snow» on Facebook and take Snapchat pictures through their living room windows – or, you know, blog about it!

Winter is my favourite season and it‘s true, I mostly enjoy it from the inside. I love being all snuggled up in a blanket and working away with a mug of tea. I can‘t work when the sun is out, I always have to draw the blinds. But then snow is something else. I still get giddy when the first snow falls, even if that happens way after Christmas. I feel like snow is a valid excuse for the cold wheather, because cold with no snow, that‘s just eh. At least with the snow there it looks pretty.

I still don‘t massively celebrate the white scenery, but having a dog I‘m out in the woods almost every day anyway, and this week has been simply stunning. And because I have the world‘s cutest dog I decided to share some moments with you.

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On wednesday night I went ice skating with Samantha for the first time this year. It‘s funny how you can just go round and round in circles for hours and not notice that it doesn‘t get you anywhere. We discussed all the books collecting dust on our shelves and we talked about working in bookshops and how it‘s the best job in the world and yet the routine gets too much sometimes. And we talked boys and castles and poems.
It was a pretty night.


Lots of love from the roots of my heart!

Sexy Books: The Empire Strikes Back by Donald F. Glut

Just read: Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back by Donald F. Glut.

I wasn‘t going to talk about this book, I really wasn‘t because, you know, it‘s a novelisation! But then I read it and as far as novelisations go (which, btw, isn‘t very far at all) it was really quite okay. In fact, it‘s the okayest novelisation I have read in a long time!


I‘m sure everybody knows what Star Wars is about, but I‘ll give you the blurb anyway, if only because I love the word blurb.

«Though the Rebel Alliance won a significant battle, the war against the Empire has only just begun.
Several months have passed, and the Rebels have established a hidden outpost on the frozen wasteland of Hoth. But even on that icy backwater planet, they cannot escape the evil Darth Vader‘s notice for long.
Soon Luke, Han, Princess Leia, and their faithful companions will be forced to flee, scattering in all direction – with the Dark Lord‘s minions in fevered pursuit…»

I have a pretty clear image what «the Dark Lord‘s minions» look like, and the internet has not failed me! It just takes the edge off the entire saga a bit when THIS is what stormtroopers really look like!


But moving on! Novelisations always have that exciting feature of telling you a little something that isn‘t included in the movie, and there are always small surprises, like a variation in dialogue or a change of action; many things that might not work in a movie, can happen still between te pages of a book. And besides, the book doesn‘t have to be incredibly good because all it does is still my inner geeky needs. And this one certainly did!

What I loved most, of course, was that there is some extended action between Han and Leia. C-3PO doesn‘t interrupt their kiss and that actually makes the entire scene more endearing. My favourite thing about the book, however, is the fact that Leia calls Han «Hot Shot» – repeatedly so!

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Leia has even more jazz in this book version than she already does in the movies, which I absolutely love. Still, my favourite part of the book has got to be when they settle in Cloud City and Han tries to win her over:

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Of course the book isn‘t just a sloppy Han-Leia fanfiction novel, it covers all the fun parts that we love in the film as well. It‘s just that Luke never call Yoda a «Hot Shot», or he might have got a bigger mention here!

Have a lovely (snowy?) afternoon!
Lots of love from the roots of my heart!

Role Models

Whoohoo, I am so done for this week! In the best possible way. I have literally JUST handed in a spontaneous essay – in which I stopped believing on sunday, but somehow it still turned out okayish. Yay for that! Tomorrow I am off to Lübeck, also quite sopntaneously and the reason I‘m writing a post tonight and not as ususal tomorrow. And I‘m going out tonight to see a photo exhibition that my friend made, more yays for that! (well, he contributed one small part of the exhibition, but that still counts, right?) Frankly, I‘m just happy to be leaving the house for a reason other than to watch my dog poop. Yay Yay Yay!

Something I have been wanting to write about for a while now are role models. I remember that when I was little I had this massive crush on Emma Watson. I wanted to BE her in every way possible, so I would braid my hair at night to have curls the next morning; it helped that I was a huge geek in primary school, so all I had to do was tell others how stupid they were for not basically living in the library. But I also remember that a few years later I read an interview in a magazine, some hot shot singer or what have you, that I would have snogged at any given moment. He said that he had no role models at all because he wanted to follow his own path, blah blah. And I thought, neat! The truth has been spoken! From now on I will only rely on myself and trust my own instincts and Imma rock this! I don‘t really remember how that decision went down. I probably just locked myself in the library and checked my teachers‘ assignments for spelling mistakes (I did that repeatedly – the search for missing commas always proved to be very successful!) But you know, now that I‘m thinking about it, that was such a crappy thought! The truth is that we all have role models, people we look up to. It shouldn‘t get to the point where we compare ourselves to them in everything that we do, of course – but I firmly believe that we need people to look up to in order to believe that something can be done. So here are my own personal role models:

Hermione Granger


This much has never changed. I sometimes still find myself wondering what Hermione would do in a particular situation and I find great comfort in the fact that she‘s a huge bookworm, and yet that doesn‘t make her any weaker at all.

Emma Watson


Obviously. She is basically a real life Hermione and I admire her for being super pretty and standing up for women‘s rights and gender equality. She seems to be staying very true to herself and that‘s a hard thing to do.

Sophie Scholl


Sophie may well be my greatest hero of all time. She was in a resistance movement during the Second World War and was killed by the Nazis. What I admire about her, however, is not that she died, it‘s that she lived. Even in the midst of a horrible war she wrote about spring and about hiking in the alps. To keep believing in something good and pure when everything around you is falling apart is such a strong and wonderful character trait.

My Mum


My mum‘s just one super cool lady, and if you tell me «you‘re acting just like your mother», then that is a compliment.

David Mitchell


The comedian, not the writer. Although he has written books as well. Anyway. I‘m not absolutely sure David is actually a role model to me, it may well be that I just identify with him quite a lot. But then I catch myself thinking, hey, he‘s still alive and happy, so there‘s not a bad chance for me!

Carrie Hope Fletcher


I never realised that I actually see Carrie as someone I idolise with until I watched one of her recent videos on Youtube where she announces that she‘s moving in with her boyfriend. And it got me thinking, I don‘t necessarily crave a boyfriend, but I like to think that I can one day manage to actually grab hold of my life enough to enter that happy place… Oh my, I sound severely depressed! I‘m not, I am a very happy person and there is nothing wrong with me. But you know, I feel like I haven‘t quite grasped the concept of being a grown-up.

Elizabeth Bennet


She is such an amazing heroine. Every person, male or female, should learn to think for themselves. Elizabeth doesn‘t get married just to secure her future and just because that‘s how it is done. She does what she thinks is best for herself and what she believes to maje her happy.

Roxana Vasquez


Roxana is a girl I met on Zacate Grande in Honduras. She is working at a radio station where she fights against landowners trying to take away local farmers‘ lands. She‘s very upbeat and actually risking her life in the struggle of keeping her home. She told me that she might get killed, but if she doesn‘t fight at all she will surely die of hunger – so there isn‘t actually another option. I just can‘t help but think that we need way more people like her!

Princess Leia


Of course Leia‘s on the list! How could she not be! Leia is very badass, she knows how to handle a gun and she rocks a lot of braids. I don‘t know where we get the picture from that strong women can‘t also be pretty or care about their hair – Leia clearly has her priorities set. Even in war time she must spend hours braiding her hair. And she knows how to fly a space ship, no one can argue with that!

Between writing this post and actually publishing it eight hours have passed (the exhibition was great btw) and I have only just realised that there are almost only women on my list. It‘s not that I‘m the sort of hardcore feminist that refuses to look up to men, but they simply stand for things that I feel I am lacking myself. Getting my own mind, standing up for what I believe in, embracing my own weirdness in its full beauty… I think these are the things everyone of us is struggling with all the time. We all want to be a better version of ourselves, and I think that is the best thing we can want. Because we are good the way we are but we can change if we want to to, and if we do want to we should! And it‘s good to have someone to follow, but sometimes we also forget that we can set examples to and that maybe one small person would like to be more like us. Isn‘t that encouraging?

Lots of love from the roots of my heart!

Blog another… 2016!


Happy New Year Everybody!

I hope everyone has started well into 2016 and you‘re not feeling too rotten today! I spent last night at my friend Tashina‘s house. It was so lovely; seeing as her boyfriend is currently in the States and I‘m actually in the country for once, it was just the two of us. We made pizza and then cuddled together for a movie. Of course, for me there is no such event without a cake and I had tried the vegan chocolate cake recipe from the Primrose Bakery recipe book – it was marvellous, I can tell you!
Tashina‘s family has the tradition of doing Molybdomancy on New Year‘s Eve, a technique of divination using molten metal. We melted a spoonful of lead over a candle, then poured it into a bowl of cold water. The resulting shape can either be directly interpreted as an omen for the future, or, as we did, be rotated in a candlelight to create shadows, whose shapes we then interpreted. The interpretations are very vague, however. Apparently I need to be more careful not to trip – which is a good enough piece of advice, but being as clumsy as I am, it‘s not a very unique one!




We ended up being in a bit of a hurry towards midnight when we were supposed to meet another friend in the city centre. When am I ever not in a hurry on a holiday, huh? In the end, we were stood right on the bridge that leads into town when Midnight happened. It was perfect. We popped our prosecco and put on our party popper hats and watched the fireworks all around us.

I think the new year can‘t be half bad if the first face you look at is that of someone you love. We just stood there and took it all in, and everybody passing by shouted their new year‘s blessings, and we were a little tipsy when we finally got a move on, but the new year already felt good.


We met up with our friend way past midnight and stepped inside some club and whipped in the rhythm of bad music for the better part of an hour before we decided to go home. I always love January 1st. I have a sore throat and a runny nose and every movement hurts, but I just put on my onesie and rewatch old episodes of The Vicar of Dibley with my cat. Actually, now I‘m debating whether or not it‘s acceptable for me to watch The Empire Strikes Back again (I‘m going through one horrid Star Wars phase at the moment, bear with me!)..

Tonight I‘ll be having dinner with Anna who you may have met (in a sense) when I was doing Blogmas. She has a wonderful blog which you‘ll find on www.tinytrinket.wordpress.com and was my blogging cooperator last month. I‘m gulping down cup after cup of tea, so I‘m fit for tonight – after all, Sherlock is airing, and we‘re both crazy excited (as in, I‘m crazy and Anna‘s excited).

The new year is going to be good, and I wish you all good luck and much love for every day to come!

Lots of love from the roots of my heart!

Blogmas (Day 25) – «Simply Having A Wonderful Christmas Time!»

Merry Christmas Everyone!

I‘ll be leaving you with a short last post for this wonderful Blogmas night, seeing as it takes up all my strength not to finish Giovanna Fletcher‘s Dream a Little Dream right now!

Today‘s been the first day in months that I didn‘t have to get up at eight and head off to work or uni or my desk. Instead I took it slow, got up at nine and made Christmas cookies in my jammies while my mum fixed her Christmas Day with her boyfriend. Around midday Tobias and I headed over to our dad‘s house, almost missing the train – but then again, what is Christmas without a race through a busy main station, right?

We had pasta for lunch because my wonderful stepmum just knows her picky eaters well, then stuffed ourselves with the Red Velvet Cake I made for my dad‘s birthday a few days back. Opening the presents was as exciting as ever, especially as I didn‘t expect anything! My dad and his wive already got me an (almost) new MacBook and as a (wannabe) writer I couldn‘t have asked for a better gift! However, they still managed to whisk up a book series that I didn‘t know and that‘s right up my street. It‘s called The School for Good and Evil by Soman Ghainani, and part of the reason why I want to finish reading Dream a Little Dream so much is that I can start on this one. Oh, the agony!



Of course nobody had as much fun tearing off paper as my niece did. And finally, when all the excitement of that was gone I kept walking around the richly decorated Christmas tree with her and discovering all the gorgeous little ornaments and baubles with her. It‘ a wonder, really, that she didn‘t knock any of it down!

To finish this grand day off we watched Three Gifts for Cinderella, my all time favourite Christmas movie, and The Rise of the Guardians (am I the only who‘d totally hit Jack Frost?!). Now I‘m sitting on the couch by myself and taking in the Christmas atmosphere. It‘s smelling of gingerbread and sugar cookies and chocolate and blown out candles. It‘s quiet with all the giggles and music having faded away and it‘s peaceful. It‘s me and my books, and I think that looking back on all of my Christmases, it‘s always been that – me and my books having a little Christmas party when everyone else has disappeared into their own beds.



I hope everyone has had an amazing Christmas and I‘m sending out virtual hugs to all of you!

Lots of love from the roots of my heart!

Don’t forget to wish a Merry Christmas to Anna who has been an amazing Blogging partner this Christmas season! You find her blog over on http://www.tinytrinket.wordpress.com. This will certainly not be our last project together seeing as we booked a trip to London – and how could I ever visit London and not blog about it, right?!

Blogmas (Day 24) – Christmas Eve Celebration

Happy Christmas Eve everyone!

I have just had the loveliest Christmas Dinner with my family. We went to my grandmother‘s house as we do most years because out of all of us she cooks the best. Also, in contrast to my mum and me, she‘s quite well organised. She‘d made a vegetarian lasagna and I brought a butterscotch roulade for dessert. My family loves eating, so dinner was clearly a highlight of the evening. We usually go to church after opening the presents, but this year we took our time singing Christmas carols, my mum read us two stories, then we each took turns opening our presents.




I feel so blessed having been able to spend another Christmas with the people I hold dearest. It‘s such a privilege to be alive and well and happy. I was also given amazing presents, and I realise that that, too, is not something to be taken for granted. To wish for something and to just get it, that‘s a huge wonder in itself and I‘m amazed to have been so lucky all my life. Even when times were not as good as they are now, my parents always gave my brother and me everything they could.

I don‘t care if I get a laser sword next year or if somebody buys me an Around-the-World ticket, all I‘ll ever want is this: my family gathered around the tree and laughing until tears flow.




Tomorrow Tobias and I will be spending Christmas with our dad and our adopted patchwork family which will probably include even more eating. I can‘t wait!

Lots of love from the roots of my heart!

Blogmas (Day 23) – Blogger Gift Exchange

Hello Lovelies!

Today Anna (aka my Blogmas partner in crime aka Tiny Trinket on http://www.tinytrinket.wordpress.com) and I exchanged our Christmas presents. It wasn‘t a proper exchange, because I was in the book shop working and she just dropped hers and then had to commit to an odyssey through the store because I had put mine behind a colleague‘s counter on another floor. According to the messages I received I assume she found it, though!

I love opening presents. I don‘t care whether they‘re big or small and I certainly don‘t expect people to get me anything – but I love opening presents so much that sometimes , when I buy something for myself, I have it gift wrapped. So when I had the bag of wrapped up goodies at my feet this afternoon at work I was feeling downright giddy. Anna got my so many exciting things I really can‘t wait to share them with everyone (on the internet. Not in real life. Let‘s not get carried away, okay?)


The most amazing thing is the Frozen muesly she got me. I have a half finished box already in my kitchen, but yay! I was feeling put off because it‘s so delicious and I keep telling myself that I must not buy stuff just because Olaf is on it. But now Christmas is saved!

Then she got me a pasta measuring thing that gives spagetthi the shape of a unicorn. Again, magical!

And lastly she added a recipe book called Vintage Teatime Recipes. If you‘ve read my About page you‘ll know that I love the English culture, so this is just pure awesomeness! I‘ll be making scones for the better part of next year!



This just goes to show how well Anna knows me, and I‘m so psyched about the whole unwrapping process that I‘ve just been through! A huge thank you is definitely in order (thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!). If you want to know what I got her pop over to her blog on www.tinytrinket.wordpress.com where she‘s already uploaded pictures!

Lots of love from the roots of my heart!

Blogmas (Day 22) – Daddy’s Girl


My dad turned half a century today, and that is a cause to celebrate!
Tobias and I went over to his house after work, just in time for dessert (we‘re always in time for dessert!) and spent the evening talking over a hot cup of tea and eating tons of cake and cookies.

2015-12-23 02.05.50 Something I will aways adore about my dad‘s and his wive‘s household is how utterly geeky and pink it is. They love to decorate, so during Christmas time it just looks so much like Santa‘s house. They are massive Disney fanatics and can spend hours discussing Star Wars. My dad once actually kept me entertained for an hour straight by talking about Lord of the Rings characters peeing (because it just bothered me that it is never mentioned in the books – like, in Harry Potter you know there are bathrooms, but in LotR do they just go behind the trees? Do they have plumbing in Rivendell?!). Obviously the present he got from us was just as nerdy, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who has a geek father – namely two books called Darth Vader and Son and Vader‘s Little Princess by Jeffrey Brown. They‘re little comics that show Darth Vader‘s life as a committed father to twins. I thought it was accurate because my dad obviously identified with Darth Vader a lot and I idolised Princess Leia (she is so hardcore, yeah!). 


It‘s only  three more days until Christmas! Whoohhooo! Go see what Anna‘s favourite Christmas memory is over on her blog: www.tinytrinket.wordpress.com. I haven’t read it either, so you‘ll be joined by me… in a way… I suppose, right?

Lots of love from the roots of my heart!

Here’s my absolute favourite picture from Vader’s Little Princess btw!

Source: www.thinkgeek.com
Source: http://www.thinkgeek.com

Blogmas (Day 21) – A Christmas Memory

Last friday I had actually planned on writing about a lovely Christmas memory – which I didn‘t do because I was so psyched about the new Star Wars movie (still am, but MOVING ON!). Although I used to call rainy weather «Star Wars Weather» when I was little (because I was not allowed to watch telly when the sun was out), there are of course better holiday memories to tell you about.

The one that has stuck with me the most is from when I was about seven years old. It was a few days before Christmas Day and my dad, who‘s a reverend, took me to a Christmas Party in the woods. This is something quite traditional in Switzerland and not as creepy as it sounds. Basically people working at church gather somewhere in a forest and decorate a tree, there‘s a little sermon and you sing Christmas carols. My dad was in the organising committee and quite spontaneously took me along. I just remember that sort of magical feel, standing in a dark forest and holding a candle and being a little, shining light. I felt so small and so big and so much a part of the world around me.

At the end there were presents and I was given a Tarzan picture book. The Disney movie had just come out and I loved that book so much. I read it over and over again on the train later that night. And then I wondered what would happen if I stuck a piece of the apple I was eating up my nose – and, being me, I simply tried. And then Tarzan landed on the floor and I was crying because I could not get the darn thing out of my nose.

We went to my grandparents‘ house for the night and I remember being taken in by my grandmother. She had been waiting up and, having removed all fruity remains from my nose, I felt so safe and wrapped up. My bed was already made and I think I fell asleep on the way from the porch to the guest room, and closing my eyes was so easy and harmless because arms would always catch me and carry me, and somebody would always tuck me in.

Now I feel I sometimes forget the light that I once felt I was, and I forget that just because I have to tuck myself in now there will always be arms to catch me.

Lots of love from the roots of my heart!

Anna’s blog turned 1 yesterday, so everyone, please go and congratulate her/it! You find her on http://www.tinytrinket.wordpress.com. Her blog’s amazing, as is she! 🙂

Also, here’s a song that reminds me of that Christmas!

Blogmas (Day 20) – Christmas in Godric’s Hollow

So, I have been thinking, you know, I collect the plushy Disney Princesses, right? Is there a Leia one? Does she count as a Disney Princess yet? Oh, the questions that haunt a student‘s mind!

Moving on! I‘ve just come home from a Harry Potter marathon at a friend‘s house (yes, we‘re staying on the geek road), and can I just repeat how utterly amazing Harry Potter is! We watched the last two films which I had last seen in the theatre. My friend has neither read the books nor seen the final movie, so she had no idea who was going to die and how the saga was going to end. That‘s, like, not knowing who won World War II! But she did an excellent job, she laughed at all the right puns and cried in the right moments. We were both hugging our part of the blanket when we got to the end of Part II, and just gasping for air.


One of my favourite parts is when Harry and Hermione visit Godric‘s Hollow together where Harry was born and where his parents were killed. It‘s Christmas Eve and they stand at the grave of Harry‘s parents, and it‘s sad, but I just feel so much watching this. This is Harry who has been neglected by his family throughout his entire childhood, who‘s had to live with the legacy of being a war orphan, alive only by his mother‘s sacrifice. This is the closest he ever got to his parents in his adult life, and maybe just for a second he reflects on what could have been if they had survived. It may be a sad Christmas scene, but I think that this is essentially also where Harry gathers new hope. He was brought into the world being loved and he understands what this is worth in a world of hate.

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I know it‘s heart wrenching but this is just a boy who misses his parents and a lifetime of happiness he was refused when he was younger. And if we can‘t allow our hearts to be wrenched at Christmas, then when can we? I love this scene, especially considering how happy Harry is 19 years later. When they all stand on Platform 9 3/4 he is giving his children what he never had and he certainly does not wish to be dead. He finds his peace and I find that very reassuring.


Now I really need to hit the hay or else I‘ll be pretty damn dead at work tomorrow!
Lots of love from the roots of my heart!